Third Parties

We work with many other companies to run EnglishScore (we will call them “Third Parties” and/or “Third Party“). These Third Parties help us provide our service to you. Sometimes we will change the Third Parties we work with, and when we do this, we will update the list of Third Parties below, but we will not email or notify you about these changes. It is your responsibility to keep checking this list to make sure you are happy with the Third Parties that we work with. If you do not like any Third Party that we work with, then please stop using EnglishScore.

Internal Third Parties

EnglishScore is a partnership between (1) Blenheim Chalcot, the UK’s leading digital venture builder and (2) the British Council, the UK’s leading cultural and educational institution.

As such, there are companies within both Blenheim Chalcot and the British Council that will have access to aggregate and business data which we collect – these companies are:

  1. Blenheim Chalcot LTF Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 05064255 whose address is at Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ, United Kingdom – this company is part of Blenheim Chalcot;
  1. The British Council, a royal charter company with company number RC000060 whose address is at 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN, UK – this company is part of the British Council; and
  1. BC TRADING INTERNATIONAL LTD, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 05093170 whose address is at 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN, UK – this company is part of the British Council.
External Third Parties

The following companies are those that act as our data processors as they provide IT and/or system administration services for us: and they are based either in the UK, the EU or India:

Name Web address Services they provide to us Where do they process your data?
Adtraction Adtraction is an affiliate network. EU
Blenheim Chalcot IT Services Software development and other support services. India
Facebook Facebook is a social platform and we use them for advertising services. US
Google Analytics Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website and/or app use by means of cookies, which are stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet device. The information generated relating to our website and/or app is used to create reports to help us improve our website and/or app. Google will store this information so please read their privacy policy EU
Google AdSense Google AdSense provides interest-based advertisements on our website and/or app. These are tailored by Google to reflect your interests. To determine your interests, Google will track your behaviour on our website and/or app and on other websites across the web using the DART cookie. You can view, delete or add interest categories associated with your browser using Google’s Ads Preference Manager, available at:  You can opt out of the AdSense partner network cookie at: or by using the NAI’s (Network Advertising Initiative’s) multi-cookie opt-out mechanism at:  However, these opt-out mechanisms use cookies, and if you clear the cookies from your browser, your opt-out will not be maintained. To ensure that an opt-out is maintained in respect of a particular browser, you should use the Google browser plug-in available at: US
Google Cloud Platform Servers and computer infrastructure services. US
Google GSuite Productivity and office applications services. US
Heroku Servers and computer infrastructure services. EU
HotJar HotJar allows us to gather specific information about your behavior such as mouse movements and page scroll as you use our website and/or app. EU
LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business oriented social network which we also use for advertising services. US
Mailchimp Mailchimp provides email services. US
PayTM PayTM is a payment processor. India
Stripe Stripe is a payment processor. US
SurveyMonkey SurveyMonkey help us run and administer surveys. US
ZenDesk ZenDesk provides the software for our customer service teams, to help you if you have difficulties using our website and/or app or services. US

The above lists show those third parties who help us provide the Services to you. If you would like to know more about those third parties who have a business relationship with, or financial interest in, EnglishScore, or the academic researchers that we sometimes share pseudonymised data with or, only if you have consented to us doing so, our customers and/or partners that we may share your test results with – please email us at for more information.