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EnglishScore Tutores

Learn English online with Will

Will has a British accent and has taught more than 11 students from around the world

Sobre mí

If you want to improve your fluency, conversation skills, general or business vocabulary, I can help you. From London, I have worked all around the world, as a town planner and specialise in business English. I have experience in a number of sectors including planning and development, construction and engineering, project management and property law. I enjoy discussing anything: food, sport, current affairs, travel and culture, or any subject of your choosing. Naturally kind and patient, I will adapt our lessons to the content and style you prefer. Whether you want intensive presentation or interview preparation, or relaxed conversation, I look forward to helping you.

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Experiencia laboral y formación

Work experience: As a professional Town Planner, I have worked on complex major development projects around the world, in locations including London, Dubai and New Zealand. I have benefited from experience in both the public and private sectors. Education: 2021 : TEFL English Grammar Course. 2020 : TEFL Graduate – 120 hour TEFL Course. 2003 – 2005 : University College London (UCL – The Bartlett School) MSc – Town and Country Planning. 1999 – 2001 : King’s College London- BSc – Human Geography.

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Experiencia laboral y formación Imagen

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Prices for online English tutoring with Will

3 sesiones
72 $24.00 por sesión £60 20,00 libras por sesión €69 23,00 euros por sesión ₹4660 ₹1.553,33 por sesión Empezar
Más comprados
10 sesiones
$195 19,50 por sesión £160 16,00 libras por sesión €185 18,50 euros por sesión ₹14519 ₹1.451,90 por sesión Cómo empezar
20 sesiones
370 18,50 por sesión £300 15,00 libras por sesión €350 17,50 euros por sesión ₹27399 ₹1.369,95 por sesión Cómo empezar

Sesiones de 30 minutos

Work with Will on business and conversational English

Plan de estudios personalizado

Will will assess your level, and create a study plan to help you improve. With Will, you can study business and conversational English.

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