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EnglishScore Tutores

Learn English online with Timothy O

Timothy O has an Irish accent and has taught more than 250 students from around the world

Sobre mí

I’m from the Southwest of Ireland and have been working as an English teacher for over 6 years. I recently returned to Ireland after many years abroad, first in Germany and then in Italy. I have lots of experience teacing both general and business English. I speak Italian at a B2 level, German at a B1 level and basic French (A2). In my free time, I enjoy running, reading and watching TV series. I have an interest in diverse subjects: science, art, literature, sport.

Consigue una clase de un dólar conmigo
Experiencia laboral y formación

Work experience: I have a Business Degree and worked as an Auditor with Deloitte. Education: I have a Business Degree (BSc), a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA), a Masters Degree in Philosophy (MA) and a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD)

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Experiencia laboral y formación Imagen

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Prices for online English tutoring with Timothy O

3 sesiones
72 $24.00 por sesión £60 20,00 libras por sesión €69 23,00 euros por sesión ₹4660 ₹1.553,33 por sesión Empezar
Más comprados
10 sesiones
$195 19,50 por sesión £160 16,00 libras por sesión €185 18,50 euros por sesión ₹14519 ₹1.451,90 por sesión Cómo empezar
20 sesiones
370 18,50 por sesión £300 15,00 libras por sesión €350 17,50 euros por sesión ₹27399 ₹1.369,95 por sesión Cómo empezar

Sesiones de 30 minutos

Work with Timothy O on business and conversational English

Plan de estudios personalizado

Timothy O will assess your level, and create a study plan to help you improve. With Timothy O, you can study business and conversational English.

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