5/5 ⭐️

EnglishScore Tutores

Learn English online with Mark

Mark has a South African accent and has taught more than 114 students from around the world

Sobre mí

For business students, in addition to my specialised certification as a Business English tutor, I have completed over 2000 online lessons, 28 reviews and have a 5-star rating. Born in South Africa, I am a native English speaker and have a neutral accent. My specialisation is not only Business English and communication, but also specific training in CV writing, interview techniques, presentation skills etc

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Experiencia laboral y formación

Work experience: My 30+ years’ experience in business brings actual hands-on knowledge to my students. My working life includes working for major corporates like IBM and Xerox, as well as smaller companies and my own businesses Education: BA Teaching degree, TEFL/TESOL certification, ITTO Business English certification, ITTO TEDx Course Creation certificate.

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Experiencia laboral y formación Imagen

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Prices for online English tutoring with Mark

3 sesiones
72 $24.00 por sesión £60 20,00 libras por sesión €69 23,00 euros por sesión ₹4660 ₹1.553,33 por sesión Empezar
Más comprados
10 sesiones
$195 19,50 por sesión £160 16,00 libras por sesión €185 18,50 euros por sesión ₹14519 ₹1.451,90 por sesión Cómo empezar
20 sesiones
370 18,50 por sesión £300 15,00 libras por sesión €350 17,50 euros por sesión ₹27399 ₹1.369,95 por sesión Cómo empezar

Sesiones de 30 minutos

Work with Mark on business and conversational English

Plan de estudios personalizado

Mark will assess your level, and create a study plan to help you improve. With Mark, you can study business and conversational English.

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